“I’m-so-tired-of-reading-this-in-NA” Peeves

I’m a fan of romance. I adore lovey-dovey  books and swooning over the heroes who makes my heart race a little. I love reading romantic books because in a way, I believe that true love exists.  Any romance junkie feels that way.

But lately,it’s quite hard for me to be impressed in some romance books (especially in the NA genre) and it came to the point that I avoid any books in that category.

I have to stop getting my daily-romance fix in NA books because of the following peeves.

1. The “I’m-a-stud-alpha” hero.

Excuse me.

Most NA books has this kind of hero. Ever heard of that dude where his sexual prowess is so fucking legendary (pun intended) that he put Zeus and Don Juan to shame? The type that he banged every girl willing within 5 to 10 mile radius? The type that seems to think that the word that starts with “Commitment” is equivalent to “Cancer”?


When a guy brags about how many girls has been throwing themselves at his feet.  description

When he wonders why the heroine is not attractive to him, seeing that he’s quite a good catch and all.


When he thinks that he can get any girl he likes because he’s so damn sexy? I mean can’t you see his washboard abs and sparkling eyes and kissable lips?!


Honestly, this kind of hero is getting annoying. There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. So, please.


Most playboy heroes are so similar to each other that when a reader describes him, it was like:

Oh my gosh, he is so yummy! He was the absolute book boyfriend and he reminds me of “toot” from “toot”. “

Authors, pretty please for the love of all things holy, if you want a playboy hero, kindly make him memorable or one of a kind. That way I won’t confuse him from the other playboy hero.

2. Heroines who are easily swayed by hot bodies.


Control yourself, girlie!

Every frigging time a heroine gushes about the hero’s abs and hot body, I have to stop myself from slapping her. I noticed that most NA books has a heroine who went gaga over a man’s body every chapter and then, while in adult books,an author will describe the hero’s manliness just once or twice.

Look, I don’t wanna be called a hypocrite because I also enjoy reading a hero’s manliness in a book.But to do it for ten times?

“My cheeks burn when his gorgeous blue eyes zeroed at me..”

“His hard arms enveloped me. I feel the hardness of his muscles. I feel so safe…”

“He looked so handsome it made my heart hurt…”

“He’s so hot, no wonder Alicia is crazy over him…”

“He’s so manly.So virile that I can’t help but lean over him..”


3. Over used plots.

Some plots has been used so much that it puts the Harlot of Babylon to shame. Different characters and dialogues but you can see the similarity in the story.

Here are some of them:

Scene 1:

Hero is a playboy *eyeroll* and the girl is new in the school. Girl hates the hero because he’s an arrogant jackass and they are nemesis but she secretly likes him because he is so oh handsome and his stares are giving her the tingle.

They flirted a little until hero shows the girl that he is so much more than a pretty face. Girl gets over with her issues with the boy and they fell in love but they have this frenemies with benefits.

The hero is not comfortable with having commitments and that will the the hurdle that they should overcome to have their HEA.

Scene 2:

Hero is bad boy and has a troubled past. Girl is the same.
They won’t have their own happily ever after even though they love each other to the moon and back unless they face and overcome their past.

Scene 3:

That “I’ll-hire-you-to-pretend-that-we-have-a-relationship” scene. Either hero wants to get his trust fund left behind by an Uncle, a grandfather or a father, and the only thing to do is to have a respectable heroine or wife, or the heroine needs an instant hot fafa because she wants to prove to those villains in her life that she is happy etc etc.


These are just a few reasons why I avoid reading NA (sometimes YA) books. I have a few favorite NA authors but.. meh. This is not one of my favorite genres. I’d rather read gory scenes in a horror book that be sick to death by the annoyingness of the characters in an NA book.


-Paige Bookdragon-

10 thoughts on ““I’m-so-tired-of-reading-this-in-NA” Peeves

  1. I agree with everything you said! This is why I rarely pick these type of books anymore. I am sick and tired of reading about female protagonists who are too stupid too live and male protagonists that treat girls like trash.

    Sigh. I wish things would change for NA.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true! I was turned off with NA after a handful of the same-old-same-old books. I mean, why is it that NA girls have to be so shallow? like abs and sparkling eyes are everything? Can’t they see that they were being abused? Grrr.


  2. lol awesome! Well said! Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever read a NA novel with romance in it… strange. Anyway, I avoid romance in YA novels like the plague. I’m not bitter I promise, I’m just too old. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the lovey doveyness. I find myself thinking, “omg this is too stupid.” Or I faceplam at the “goshdarn teenagers”‘s stupidity. It could just be that once upon a time I used to be one of those goshdarn teenagers, so this brings back embarrassing memories.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol! What NA books are you reading? Whisper it to me so I can check them 🙂 lately I also avoid YA romance because meh. I usually roll my eyes everytime a heroine goes batshit crazy over the team captain or quarterback or to the most famous guy in school.


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